How companies stay in compliance

Use JobCirc to distribute jobs in a meaningful way and ensure OFCCP rules and regulations are met.

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Job Board Affiliates

Use JobCirc to automatically manage your commercial job board postings through the power of web scraping technology. No integration is required. We automatically scrape your public job board on a daily basis and distribute your jobs exactly where you need them.


OFCCP Compliance Services

JobCirc fosters a full-scale Compliance or Diversity solution by providing tools, data and material to help your company thrive.



Our easy-to-use JobCirc job distribution Dashboard allows you to create unlimited new users, quickly view job distribution metrics and contract information. Use the heat map to view job reports for your company’s most popular posting locations or view views and clicks by taking a look at the Recent Activity graph.


See every one of your jobs in the on-demand Reporting section. Filter jobs by job title, requisition number, location or date range to custom-tailor results and view exactly what you’re looking for. Each job is shown with basic information for a quick look at exactly what jobs have been posted and where and when these jobs were posted.

Job Reporting


Click on any individual job posting to instantly view a Job Report for that job. Inside the job report, you’ll get a deeper look at exactly where the job was posted and what kind of response your job has been getting from different posting locations. You’ll be able to see all the local centers your job was emailed to, the national job boards it was sent to and metrics on the state workforce agency the job was manually posted to.


In the event of an OFCCP audit, all reports are instantly exportable to Excel. Simply filter your jobs using the data in your OFCCP scheduling letter, check the three boxes to generate all three reports simultaneously. These reports are tailored to show exactly what the OFCCP needs in the exact manner they prefer to view it. All JobCirc Compliance Services subscriptions come with Audit Support, meaning a member of the JobCirc team will be here to run reports and fulfill other OFCCP requests when needed. Our team has gone through hundreds of audits for our clients with a 100% audit success rate and will do the same for you.

States Report
Local Reporting

Know where your jobs are posted Every location, all the time

What Creates an Unbeatable OFCCP Compliance Solution

  • Manual posting to the State Job Boards, ensuring that proof of posting is available and that your jobs are live, listed and actionable on the appropriate State Board.
  • Posting jobs to niche boards that specialize in outreach to Minority, Female, Disability and Veteran audiences.
  • Sending your jobs to Local facilities such as Veteran Reps, OneStop Centers and other local groups.
  • Scraping your website daily for new jobs. No posting or sending jobs to JobCirc is necessary.
  • Providing on-demand reporting via the Client Control Panel on exactly where, when and how each individual job was posted.
  • Providing candidate traffic reports broken out by job board.
  • Granting you and your team access to centralized tools to find local centers and job fairs and keep track of Local Outreach activity.
  • Providing unparalleled Audit Support. In the event of an Audit, JobCirc will work with you quickly to ensure OFCCP requests are met.

What our customers are saying about us:

When our company won its first Federal Contract bid I was very anxious about what I was going to have to do as director of the human resources team. The rules and regulations required by the OFCCP were all new to me. JobCirc alleviated huge amounts of stress by removing these requirements from my plate. We’ve since been through a few OFCCP audits which our JobCirc Compliance Specialist helped us get through with ease. I highly recommend JobCirc for both compliance and non-compliance job distribution.
– Monica Guzman, Bali Construction, Inc.

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Or call us at (888) 827-5079